English for Academic Purposes: A Guide and Resource Book for Teachers 
Jordan R. R.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive and balanced overview of the field of English for Academic Purposes (EAP). It successfully focuses on both theoretical considerations and implications for teaching. A strong feature of the book is the presence of a number of appendices with exercises, samples from published work and extensive bibliographies.


Genre and the Language Learning Classroom
Paltridge B.
Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press
This book explains what genre is and how it can be utilized in teaching English to nonnative speakers. The author, a well-known applied linguist, suggests how to apply the results of genre analysis in the classroom. He also provides various genre-oriented activities that can be used in everyday teaching practice.


Teaching and Researching Writing
Hyland K.
New York: Pearson
This book offers an overview of research and teaching in the field of writing. It consists of four sections focusing on writing concepts and issues, application of the writing research, methods and principles of researching writing, and on appropriate references and resources. This book can be very helpful for every teacher and researcher of writing on the university level.