Academic Writing Course
Jordan, R. R.
Harlow: Longman
This is a very popular academic writing course, which has appeared in several editions. It is intended for students who plan to receive their education through the medium of English. The textbook focuses on basics of English academic writing and covers such topics, as description, narrative, exemplification, contrast, discussion, data interpretation and others. It contains many useful appendices dealing, for example, with punctuation, referencing or spelling. The book can be recommended for those Ukrainian learners who need to develop fundamental skills of English academic writing irrespective of their discipline.
Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Tasks and Skills. – Second Edition
Swales J.M., Feak C.B.
Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press
This second edition of Academic Writing for Graduate Students has been modified and enhanced by including some new tasks, covering a wider range of disciplines, and discussing current writing practices. The book benefited from a better structural design and format. As the previous edition, it employs a rhetorical approach and maintains a strong linguistic focus, extremely important for nonnative writers.
Academic Writing: A University Writing Course
Björk, L., Räisänen C.
Lund: Studentlitteratur
This textbook produced by Swedish applied linguists is theoretically framed by understanding of writing as a thinking tool and a basis for learning in all disciplines. It offers a guided process-writing course in the most common English research and related genres, such as research papers and some types of business correspondence. The book is based on reading practice (essays and articles) that helps to develop analytical skills important for successful writing. It also aims at improving general English language proficiency of learners.
English Academic Writing for Students and Researchers
Yakhontova T.
L’viv: L’viv University Press
English Academic Writing for Students and Researchers is the first textbook on academic writing published in Ukraine. It has been designed for both Ukrainian graduate students and mature scholars interested in developing research writing skills in English. The book follows a genre-based approach by providing insights into the structure, rhetoric, and style of such vehicles of academic communication, as summaries, research papers, journal abstracts, conference abstracts, reviews, grant proposals, curriculum vitae, and several types of academic correspondence, including e-mail. The textbook is based on authentic material and contains 100 tasks with answers provided in a separate section. This feature as well as a comprehensive index and glossary of major academic writing terms makes the book suitable for both classroom application and individual use.
English in Today’s Research World: A Writing Guide
Swales J.M., Feak C.B.
Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press
This another textbook by Swales and Feak is a sequel to Academic Writing for Graduate Students. It is also designed for nonnative speakers, this time for junior scholars or graduate students of an advanced level. The book continues the same genre-oriented tradition focusing on such text-types, as the conference abstract, poster, literature review, dissertation abstract, curriculum vitae, fellowship applications, letters of recommendation, and academic correspondence. The textbook pays considerable attention to the analysis of academic texts produced by nonnative learners: for example, it provides a thorough rhetorical and linguistic interpretation of the conference abstract written by a Ukrainian researcher in applied linguistics. The textbook can be viewed as a must for international researchers wishing to master norms and conventions of English academic communication.
Giving Academic Presentations
Reinhart, S.
Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press
This concise yet comprehensive textbook has been written primarily for nonnative speakers of English who wish to become effective presenters on academic topics. It teaches all necessary skills beginning with choosing an appropriate topic, designing accompanying visuals and structuring a presentation in a problem-solution format. The textbook also focuses on pronunciation and gestures as parts of a successful academic presentation. The strongest merit of this book is its task-based character, which makes it suitable for intensive classroom application. Ukrainian learners ranging from students to mature researchers may find useful information in this tightly focused course.
Writing up Research: Experimental Research Report Writing for Students of English
Weissberg R., Buker S.
Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall
This textbook provides a tightly focused explanation of the structure of research reports. The use of various visuals facilitates better comprehension of the important structural elements of this widespread research genre.
English for Professional Development in Linguistics
Ol’ha Ivashchyshyn
L’viv : Ivan Franko National University
The textbook is aimed at teaching Professional English to senior and MA students of Philology faculties. It may also be useful for PhD students. The teaching model provided in a textbook meets the contemporary requirements of creating learning environment. The task of the textbook is to develop linguistic competence, knowledge of terminology and specific features of intercultural communication, oral and written academic language skills in order to prepare university graduates for future work in the fields of linguistics and education in a globalized world where English is not only a means of international communication, but also the condition of professional growth.